Free Cassidy Nursing Swimsuit One Piece

$0.00 $55.00


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Height: 167
Weight: 66 kg (24 weeks pregnant)
Bra Size: 34D
Size Bought: M
Stage of Motherhood: I'm pregnant
Fit : True to Size
Great bathing suit

I'm pregnant and normally an avid runner but find that running has become very difficult to me. To keep active I've started swimming and this bathing suit is great. It seemed a bit of a deep plunge at the front but everything stays where it should while swimming laps (haven't tested it at the beach or in the waves yet). I'm currently 24 weeks pregnant and curious to see how much it'll 'grow' with me.

Hello Vee,

Congratulations on your pregnancy, and thank you for choosing our swimsuit! We're delighted to hear that it's serving you well during your swimming workouts. We designed it with both style and functionality in mind, and it's fantastic to know that everything stays in place during laps. Wishing you a wonderful journey through the next weeks of pregnancy, and we hope the swimsuit continues to provide the comfort and support you need. If you have any questions or need assistance along the way, feel free to reach out. Happy swimming!

The Sweat and Milk Team