[vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_column_text]Instagram: brittany.donnelly Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself A: I'm Brittany Donnelly, and I'm a full time Project Manager for an IT consulting firm based in Chandler, AZ My baby is Camden, and he is a little over 1 ½, and will be 2 in October. We live in San Tan Valley which is about an hour SE of Phoenix, AZ Q: Why did you choose Camden as your baby's name? A: My husband and I have very common names ( Brittany and Mathew) we really wanted something more unique but, easy to pronounce for our son. My husband came home from work one day and said “let’s name him Camden”. I loved it and it stuck. Q: How would you describe yourself in one word? A: Supermom (haha)  


  Q: What was your pre-baby weight? A: 150ish Q: What was your weight before giving birth? A: 180 Q: What is your weight now? And what is your ideal weight? A: My weight right now is 167 but I am 8 months pregnant with our second son. My weight before I got pregnant was 128-130. My ideal weight is around 130-135.  


  Q: When did you start to exercise? A: I have always been a very active person. I love walking, hiking and yoga. I really started hitting the gym and working with weights in my early 20s when my husband started introducing me to weight lifting. Q: What exercise did you start with? And what exercises do you do now? A: Yoga. I was all about Hot yoga. It is my go to stress reliver. Since, I am 8 months pregnant now I can’t do Hot Yoga but, I am actively walking and chasing Camden around. Q: How many times do you work out per week, and how long per day? A: When im not pregnant I like to do something active every day but, ill aim to hit a class or the gym at least 3X a week. 1-2 hours is usually good for me. Q: What is the most effective workout you recommend? A: I think it depends on the persons goal—toning and stress relief – I always recommend a good yoga class. Endurance – HIIT or a cycling class does the trick – tone and tightening – HIIT plus some weight lifting. Q: How do you find time to exercise as a new mom? A: I wanted to still find a small amount of time for “me”. Im sure it sounds selfish but, I knew that the best way for me to avoid PPD was to stay active. I really started with walks so I could bring my little guy. It became part of our morning routine and something that we enjoyed doing together. Q: Who do you follow on social media as workout / lifestyle inspirations? A: I love Rachel Brathen (@yoga_girl) for my yoga inspiration and Lori Harder (@loriharder) for more of the fitness inspiration.  

Breastfeeding Diet

  Q: Are you breastfeeding/Did you breastfeed and for how long? A: I exclusively pumped from Day 1 to about 8-9 months. I plan to do a mix of breastfeeding and pumping this time around as well. Q: What is your diet look like /What was your diet look like when you breastfed? A: Protein, protein, protein. I needed the calories and energy that healthy proteins provided. I found that almonds were my snack of choice while nursing. Q: Do you feel like you are hungry all of time? A: Right now, YES lol. Growing a baby really works up the appetite. Q: How do/did you keep up with your milk supply? A: Water, water, water and making sure I fueled my body every 2-3 hours. Q: Could you please share with us your favorite quick and easy snack/recipe? A: No – bake protein granola bars

• 1 cup peanut butter • 3 tablespoons honey • 1 cup old fashioned oats • ⅔ cup Rice Chex • ¼ cup dried cranberries • ¼ cup chocolate chips • 2 tablespoons chia seeds [optional]

Q: What’s your favorite place for brunch in your city/town? A: Pita Jungle is my favorite brunch place right now. They have a chicken salad that I just LOVE SaveSave SaveSave[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_column_text]

Beauty and style

  Q: Did you lose hair after giving birth? A: OMG yes.. it startled me, they don’t warn you about that. It does grow back mamas! Fear not. Q: Any secret skin care tip/ product? A: Cetaphil, moisturizer and SUNSCREEN. Q: Do you do mani/pedi? What’s your favorite mani/pedi color? A: I love some pampering. I am pretty “simple when it comes to my style and glam. I love a good French pedicure and teal is my favorite nail color right now. It makes my skin look so much more tan. ? Q: What’s your favorite accessory or tip to create an instant glamour? A: Mascara and blush Q: What item in your closet do you wear the most? What’s your favorite daily wear attire? A: Honestly- some leggings and a workout top are my go to attire. Q: What’s your favorite workout brand? A: Lululemon – their leggings are just so comfortable and great for being able to move around while still looking stylish. Q: How many yoga pants do you own? A: Ummm, a lot. I think I own like 3-4 regular pairs of pants ha! Q: What’s your favorite nursing attire item and brand? A: A great supportive nursing tank. My go to one right now is from Target.  


  Q: What time do you go to bed and get up? A: I go to bed around 10:30 and I wake up around 7 or whenever Camden wakes me up. Lately I have been getting hit with pregnancy insomnia so its been a lot earlier. Q: How many hours do you sleep per day? A: 6-8 hours. Q: What coping mechanisms have you found to be helpful with regard to lack of sleep and fatigue? A: When I was exclusively pumping I woke up every 3-4 hours to pump. I would try and nap when Camden would sleep and really just keep fueling my body with healthy food and water. I never gave into those sugary drinks or bad food cause I knew I would crash and I just couldn’t afford to let me body do that.  

A few more questions

  Q: Do you like dogs or cats? A: Dogs. Q: What brings you the greatest joy? A: Being a mother. It really has put my life and career goals into a more clear perspective. Q: What charity do you support? A: LOVE charity water Q: What is on your bucket list? A: I want to travel to Thailand and hangout with the elephants. Q: What is your greatest indulgence? A: I love weekend trips to get out of the heat especially living in AZ.. it gets hot. Many weekend trips to California happen. Q: What are the last three items on your credit card statement? A: Gas charge, target transaction and jimmy johns Q: What is the biggest challenge you face in terms of time management? A: I work full time and am a mom. I really struggle with having to sacrifice time – anytime that takes away from Camden. I'm very lucky that my job is flexible with me and allows me to work from home 3 days a week. That allows me to balance my home responsibilities, mom responsibility and being a wife, etc. Q: What do you enjoy the most as a mom? A: Watching Camden grow and learn. I think back to a year and where he is now and it really does go incredibly fast. Q: What does motherhood mean to you? A: Selflessness. It is this innate desire within me to make sure mysons will have everything they need to succeed in life. To teach them and enjoy them. Making sure they are happy, healthy and learn tolove life and being there for them when they learn the challenges of life. Its been in their corner to be their cheerleader. I am so blessed to get to watch my children grow into amazing young men someday.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row] SaveSave
June 30, 2017 — Lucy Chalmeton